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Pillow Buying Guide

Choosing the right pillow isn't just about picking the fluffiest one. The right pillow can improve your sleep, reduce neck and back pain, and even help with allergies. But with so many options, how do you know which pillow is right for you? 

This guide will help you understand when to replace your pillow, the pros and cons of different pillow materials, and how to choose based on your sleep position and preferences. Whether you sleep on your back, side, or stomach, you'll find tips to help you pick the perfect pillow for a great night's sleep.

When is it time to replace your pillows? 

Knowing when to replace your pillows is essential for maintaining proper support and hygiene. Over time, pillows lose their shape, collect allergens, and may no longer provide the comfort you need for a good night's sleep. Here’s how to tell when it’s time for a new pillow.

Lifespan of pillows 

Generally, most pillows should be replaced every 1-2 years to ensure they provide adequate support and remain hygienic. Memory foam pillows typically last between 18 to 36 months. Latex pillows are more durable, often lasting up to 3-4 years. Down and feather pillows usually have a lifespan of around 2-3 years with proper care. Synthetic fill pillows, however, generally need to be replaced every 1-2 years.

Physical signs you should replace your pillow 

There are several physical signs that indicate it's time to replace your pillow. If your pillow stays flat or lumpy after being folded in half, it has lost its shape and needs replacing. Discomfort, such as waking up with neck or back pain, is another sign that your pillow is no longer providing proper support. Additionally, persistent odours or increased allergy symptoms suggest your pillow may have accumulated dust mites, mould, or bacteria, indicating it’s time for a new one.

Other signs you should replace your pillow 

Beyond physical indicators, there are other signs that your pillow might need replacing. Persistent neck pain can signal that your pillow isn't offering adequate support. Frequent headaches may result from poor alignment of the head and neck during sleep. If you wake up with stiffness in your shoulders or upper back, it could also mean your pillow is past its prime and no longer providing the necessary support.


Why a good pillow matters  

A good pillow is essential for more than just comfort. It plays a crucial role in your overall sleep quality and health. The right pillow can help align your spine, reduce pain, and even improve your breathing. Understanding the benefits of a quality pillow can guide you in making a choice that enhances your nightly rest and overall well-being.

Impact on sleep quality 

The impact of a good pillow on your sleep quality cannot be overstated. A quality pillow ensures proper alignment of your head, neck, and spine, reducing discomfort and enhancing overall comfort. This alignment promotes deeper, more restorative sleep cycles, which are essential for optimal health and well-being.

Health benefits 

Choosing the right pillow can have significant health benefits. It can help prevent neck and back pain by providing proper support and alignment for your spine. A good pillow can also reduce snoring by keeping your airways open, improving respiratory health. Additionally, hypoallergenic pillows can alleviate allergy symptoms by preventing allergen buildup, promoting better overall respiratory health and sleep quality.


Investing in a high-quality pillow pays off in terms of longevity. A durable pillow retains its shape and support over time, providing consistent comfort and value. This durability ensures that you won't need to replace your pillow as frequently, saving you money in the long run while maintaining a comfortable sleep environment.


The different types of pillows

Understanding the various types of pillows available can help you choose the best option for your sleep needs. From memory foam to down and synthetic fills, each type offers unique benefits tailored to different preferences and sleeping positions. Exploring these options will guide you towards finding the perfect pillow for a restful night's sleep.

Memory foam pillows 

Memory foam pillows are renowned for their contouring support, which moulds to the shape of your head and neck, providing personalised comfort. This material is ideal for those who suffer from neck or back pain, as it helps alleviate pressure points and promotes proper spinal alignment during sleep. However, memory foam pillows can retain heat, which may not be suitable for hot sleepers.

Down and feather 

Down and feather pillows are known for their luxurious softness and ability to provide gentle support. These pillows are highly adjustable, allowing you to fluff them to your preferred loft and shape. They offer a plush feel that many find incredibly comfortable, making them a popular choice for those who enjoy a softer pillow. However, down and feather pillows may require regular fluffing to maintain their loft and are not ideal for individuals with allergies unless specially treated.

Synthetic fill 

Synthetic fill pillows are popular for their affordability, hypoallergenic properties, and ease of care. They are often made from polyester or other synthetic materials that mimic the feel of natural fills without the allergen concerns. These pillows are typically more resilient and may hold their shape better over time compared to natural fill options. However, synthetic fill pillows may not offer the same level of plushness or breathability as down or feather pillows and may flatten out more quickly with use.


Hybrid pillows combine different materials to offer a balanced blend of support and comfort. For example, a common hybrid pillow might combine memory foam with gel inserts for cooling properties or latex with microfiber for added resilience. These pillows aim to provide the benefits of multiple materials in one, catering to a wider range of preferences and needs. However, hybrid pillows can be more expensive due to the combination of materials and may require careful consideration to find the right balance of features for your sleep style.


How to choose a pillow 

Choosing the perfect pillow goes beyond picking the first one you see. It's about understanding your unique sleep needs, preferences, and any specific health considerations. This guide will walk you through essential factors to consider—from your sleeping position to pillow materials—ensuring you make an informed choice that enhances your sleep quality and overall well-being.

Back sleepers 

Choosing the perfect pillow goes beyond picking the first one you see. It's about understanding your unique sleep needs, preferences, and any specific health considerations. This guide will walk you through essential factors to consider—from your sleeping position to pillow materials—ensuring you make an informed choice that enhances your sleep quality and overall well-being.

Side sleepers 

For side sleepers, selecting the right pillow is essential to maintain spinal alignment and prevent neck strain. A suitable pillow for side sleepers should be firm enough to fill the space between the ear and shoulder, keeping the spine straight. Opt for pillows with a higher loft to support the head and neck properly. Materials like firm latex or thick down pillows are recommended for side sleepers, ensuring comfort and support throughout the night.

Stomach sleepers 

Choosing the correct pillow is crucial for stomach sleepers to prevent neck strain and maintain spinal alignment. Ideally, stomach sleepers should opt for a soft and thin pillow to minimise neck strain and allow the spine to remain in a natural position. Thin, soft pillows made from synthetic materials or down are recommended for stomach sleepers, providing comfort without elevating the head and neck too much during sleep.


Specialty pillows for specific needs 

Specialty pillows are designed to address specific sleep issues or preferences, offering tailored support and comfort for a more restful sleep experience. Whether you're looking for relief from neck pain, seeking cooling properties, or needing allergy protection, there's a specialty pillow designed to meet your unique requirements. This guide explores various types of specialty pillows and their benefits, helping you choose the right one to enhance your sleep quality and overall well-being.

Orthopaedic pillows 

Orthopaedic pillows are designed with specific contours and shapes to provide support and alleviate discomfort associated with medical conditions like cervical spondylosis, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders, or sleep apnea. These pillows are crafted to promote proper spinal alignment and reduce pressure on sensitive areas, enhancing sleep quality and overall comfort for individuals with orthopaedic concerns.

Cooling pillows 

Cooling pillows are engineered with materials that help regulate temperature and dissipate heat, keeping you comfortably cool throughout the night. Typically infused with gel, memory foam, or other cooling technologies, these pillows are ideal for hot sleepers or anyone who experiences discomfort from heat buildup during sleep. Cooling pillows promote a more refreshing and uninterrupted sleep by maintaining a comfortable temperature, enhancing overall sleep quality and comfort.

Anti-allergy pillows 

Anti-allergy pillows are crafted from hypoallergenic materials that resist dust mites, mould, and other allergens. These pillows are designed to provide relief for allergy sufferers by minimising allergen exposure during sleep, promoting better respiratory health and reducing allergy symptoms. Ideal for individuals prone to allergies or respiratory sensitivities, anti-allergy pillows offer a cleaner and healthier sleep environment, ensuring restful nights free from allergen-related discomfort.


Ready to buy new pillows? 

It’s super important to buy pillows that match how you sleep. Briscoes has a large range of pillows for every sleeper, check out the range today.



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